The "RoboHerd"
The Beginnings of a Robot.....
January 25th
We would like to invite family and to a potluck on Tuesday, February 3rd, 6 pm in the PAC end of the cafeteria. Bring a dish to share and come meet the mentors, hear the details of the Duluth competition and other upcoming events, and see the student's demonstrate their competition robot (what is built thus far!).
Team Practice Competition - Feb 14
January 25
RoboHerd has the opportunity to participate in a Practice Invititational for this year's FIRST Robotics competition "Recycle Rush". The live 'practice' competition will be held on Saturday, February 14 at Centennial High School. The hosts of the competition are creating a regulation size field that the teams can practice and compete on that simulates the Duluth regional competition. We encourage all RoboHerd students to attend. More information on sign up, transportation and specifics will appear in next week's RoboHerd Update.
Check us out in the Wright Journal
January 25
Don't miss the RoboHerd article in the January 22 issue of the School News in the Wright County Journal Press. Thanks Rob LaPlante, Journal staff writer, for the great story!